Quirky Wanderlust - The Background

This blog commenced many, many years ago at a time of uncertainty in the world, financially, spiritually, environmentally, humanistically.  I think there is much similarity in the current state of affairs and atmosphere of today. With worries withering away our sense of security, we must find balance. While it is essential to be proactive and responsible by preparing as best we can for whatever the future holds (a sort of emergency plan for the unknown), it is just as vital to proactively seek and embrace positive joys . Keeping dreams, laughter, kindness, and love alive is a wonderful antidote for many of the stresses created from this uncertainty.

As for the content of quirky wanderlust, as part of the title implies, my longing for travel and adventure will shine through. Yet, my Piscean modification of wanderlust also will broaden this to an internal journey, a sort of dream world. A voyage of growth, of knowledge, of hope that can bring the balance that I need to keep me sane in this strange, uncertain world. And hopefully, these streams of consciousness, actions to find security, and goals for keeping happiness alive will be an inspiration for others. And for quirky? Well, I've been told I see the universe from a different vista than most, plus I'm a Pisces, whose thoughts and actions change with my internal tide. So being a bit peculiar by nature, I think quirky is a great descriptor and gives me a license to delicately go in whatever direction my heart desires.

Please join me in this ride to find balance in life. The goal: being responsible and taking charge of our future, while enjoying simple pleasures and searching for uber-bliss in the present.
